Monday 21 April 2014


Dalam persahabatan, Pasti ada pergaduhan. Pergaduhan hanyalah seketika, Nanti akan kawan semula. Sebab, Erti persahabatan sangatlah bermakna. Aku akui . Erti persahabatan membawa kita belajar dan mengenal dunia di sekeliling kita.Tipulah kawan sendiri tak pernah mengumpat pasal kita dekat belakang kita even once. I admit, i did it too..:)) but then, we forget all the bad things about each other and still stay with each other along the journey and keep having fun together...

Kita pernah bergaduh. Pernah ada salah faham. Pernah ada yang terluka dan kecewa dengan sikap kita masing-masing. Kita semua tak sempurna. Semua ada salah silap. Tapi ketidak sempurnaan itu bukanlah alasan untuk kita terus berada dalam kesalahan. Kawan-kawan di sekeliling kita lah yang membantu kita untuk positif kan diri dan minda kita. Dalam persahabatan, adatlah kalau ada yang terasa dan sakit hati. Kita manusia ada pelbagai ragam.

Moments is like a garden of memories....! something to remember all over the time.. the moments that we share together.. the sweet and the bad times that we had been through in our relations... Sharing our great time togethers are the major best thing in my life that i've been missing it over and over. I still hope that we will always take care and love our friendship like we always do..:)) Spending our times to hear about each other loves stories, their problems, studies, sickness and out of all the best thing was hanging around celebrating and surprisings each others birthdays with most beautiful moments that created by us..!

Our sweet moments in January's..:))

     Spending our times together in February..=)

Outing together for delicious pizza's in March..! 

Celebrating together our April's babies..:))

Nur Syakirah, Nurul Nasuha, Hesty Natalia, Aqirah Atiq, Hayatul Mala, Amyza ...:))
Dear best friends, I don't know how to thank you but I'm lucky to have you in my life...!

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~ Assalamualaikum...
~ Tinggalkan kOmen anda kt sini yea???
~ Terima kasih..